Wednesday, September 18, 2013

We Are The Tide

We Are The Tide by Michael Regina

It started out with a trip to several coastal cities. A Hyundai, a sailboat, bicycles, and two best friends spanned the days. The kind of trip you can never forget. But what are memories but figments of your own perception? We recall from our own design. Is that constructive or muddied? I suppose it depends on the building blocks laid forth. In this case, the structure was built upon the beginning of a connection never to be undone. The kind of blocks you can’t help but forever carry them on your back, and that is a blessing and a curse.

We have built the foundation, and now it is time to lay the outer walls, the windows, the roof, the garden and begin the life we’d always imagined. But like anything in this world there must be an end, there must be a point where all ceases. The finale lies in the future when all comes to rest at the feet of greatness and construction of every moment behind us. The key is to live in the present, in this very moment. As Ezra Pound had said in relation to Walt Whitman’s new style, “It was you that broke the new wood,/ Now is a time for carving.”